Your Comment Section, Your Ads, Your Revenue

There’s one question that we often hear: “Do you offer a revenue-share for ads that display within your commenting platform?”

The answer is simple, we don’t. We believe your high-value real estate and customer experience should be driven by you and within your control.

Viafoura Real-Time Commenting now provides the same ad positions in and around our commenting widget, but empowers media organizations to use their own ad units and inventory, without taking a cut from your revenue.

And if a no-ad experience is a part of your value proposition for subscribers, the no-ad experience is upheld across your site, not just above the fold.

The Case for Ads in the Comment Section

Having the capability to place your own ads in the commenting section opens up more inventory to your sales team, removes the middleman, and gives you better control over what ads get displayed in your content. It empowers you to monetize your audience directly rather than being an intermediary between you and an ad network outside of your control.

And with real-time audience insights, you can predict high-potential content in advance to manage advertising decisions.

Engaged Audiences Yield Higher Profits

You’ll also be reaching highly-engaged audiences with your ads if you’ve taken advantage of Viafoura engagement tools like real-time commenting and notifications. Not to mention that a subscriber generates more profits than a non-subscriber exposed to ads – so it’s necessary to consider engagement tools in tandem with your ads to increase the chance that users become subscribers.

The Case is Clear: You Win When Your Ads Win

Generating ad impressions through your own ad units not only empowers you to maximize yield, but also to have control over what ads appear, and how best to monetize the relationship with your audience.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re looking to drive direct and indirect revenue around your brand, content, and community, let’s connect.

Interested in learning more?

Connect with us today to learn how Viafoura can help you build, manage and monetize your audience.

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